I don't have a sewing room.
I keep my sewing stuff in a drawer in one corner of the dining room, and my knitting stuff is in a drawer below that one. My sewing machine is tucked away beside the dr
awers and when I sew I use the dining room table.
The drawer isn't huge, so I have some sewing stuff in the storage in the basement and I keep batting and stuffing in an otherwise unused drawer in the kid's room...oh, and some Christmas projects in a bag under a bed...
Lately the sewing room drawer has been full.
Full of unfinished projects, leftover fabrics from old projects and since the drawer was full, new fabrics and projects, other leftover fabric and all sorts of stuff was piling up
on top of my sewing machine in the corner.
The knitting drawer was also full.
Leftover yarn from the last few knitting projects was laying around in plastic bags, tucked away in two corners of my living room.
Not very pleasing.
On Monday night I decided that I had had enough of the mess.
Got the three boxes from the basement and sorted out the knitting and sewing stuff.
Up in the drawer I now keep notions, thread, cutting tools, needles, pins and necessary things, as well as started projects. I need to finish the things I have started before I start something new to put in the drawer.
The knitting drawer holds my knitting needles, some knitting magazines and new yarn:
These are all my sewing efforts this week so I have nothing to show off except maybe a clean sewing space...
Here is what this part of the dining room usually looks like, with the sewing stuff in the corner:
On top of the drawers are two pincushions. One was made by my mom and the other is made of wool and a sheep horn.

I like to make different faces on it:
This actually was very inspiring and I think it will be easier to sit down and sew when there is less mess :)